Japan Top Court: Govt Not Responsible for Fukushima Disaster

Japan Top Court: Govt Not Responsible for Fukushima Disaster


Izutaro Managi, right, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, speaks to plaintiffs and their supporters after hearing the decision of the Tokyo Supreme Court, Friday, June 17, 2022, in Tokyo. Japan’s top court on Friday ruled that the government was not liable for the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis, dismissing thousands of evacuees's demands that the state, not just the utility, should pay compensation for the damages inflicted to their lives. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Japan Top Court: Govt Not Responsible for Fukushima Disaster

Izutaro Managi, kuasa hukum penggugat, berbicara kepada penggugat dan pendukungnya usai mendengarkan putusan Mahkamah Agung Tokyo, Jumat, 17 Juni 2022, di Tokyo. Pengadilan tinggi Jepang pada hari Jumat memutuskan bahwa pemerintah tidak bertanggung jawab atas krisis nuklir Fukushima 2011, menolak ribuan tuntutan pengungsi bahwa negara, bukan hanya utilitas, harus membayar kompensasi atas kerusakan yang ditimbulkan pada kehidupan mereka. (Foto AP/Eugene Hoshiko)

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